The Flower Blog

Sweetest Day Origins and Gift Ideas

Posted by Fri, Oct 09, 2015 @ 04:37 PM

Confession time: I wondered what the big deal was about Sweetest Day. Were card company cronies trying to get all my money and making up holidays because they can? Just another reason to go out and buy something because commerce told me to?  Before my brain got too out of hand I decided to step down from the mental soapbox and educate myself on how this confectionary concoction came to be.

IS it just another day to sell cards, candies, and flowers? Was it initially designed to be Valentine's Day: Part Deux? No it was not. The beginning of this holiday is actually very (no pun intended) sweet.  Let's see what this third Saturday of October is really all about.

First off it isn't a national holiday; it's celebrated predominantly in the Midwestern US and a few Northeastern states thrown in. In 1921 Herbert Birch Kingston, a candy-maker and philanthropist, wanted to create a day to give something or to do something nice to those less fortunate than oneself. Therefore he formed a "Sweetest Day of the Year" committee and they distributed over 20,000 boxes of candy and gifts to "newsboys, old folks, orphans, widows and the poor" in Cleveland, Ohio. The movement was very well-received however it didn't take long for it to morph into more of the common giving sweets, flowers, and cards to loved ones that it is today. We don't need a reason to treat our friends and family but it doesn't hurt to have a reminder does it? Wouldn't it be nice though, to bring back the origin and step outside our comfort zone just a bit? Someone at work going through a difficult time? Want to say "Thank you" to the cashiers you always see. You know, the ones who smile as your children barrage you with candy requests and last minute promises to be good for a treat. 

So now you know what it is, what's a good way to celebrate should we so choose?
1. Message of Love and/or Goodwill 
Buy it, make it by hand, nothing is more lovely than having a hand-written note! It doesn't even have to be a full-fledged card! A simple smattering of post-it notes somewhere visible will do! What should the message say? Whatever you want! Stick it on your neighbor's door or send your children to school with a note to their teacher with appreciation for their hard work!
2. Special Meal or Task
Food is always fun. Stuck in a rut of family favorites? Do something different! Grab gourmet crackers, cheeses, etc with a bottle of wine and have a picnic in the park! Or stay home and rent a sappy tale of love and cuddle in with homemade smores dip. Not a big fan of cooking? It seems there are things to be done every day! Take a to-do task off the list. Peace of mind is priceless!
3. Sweets for the Sweet
Oh you know the way to my heart is through chocolate! Do Sweetest Day the justice of it's name and invest in some Hershey kisses and pass them out to coworkers!  Take it up a notch and wrap them or another candy of your choice in cellophane and tie ribbon with a hole-punched note attached to the top with a simple message. "Sweets for the Sweet" "Smile!" "You're fantastic!" and other positive messages can go a long way.
4.  Flowers
Where would we be without flowers in the lineup? Beautiful bouquets speak volumes; a single stem of daisies can express the inexpressible. Flowers are precious gifts as they are nature's beauty and we have limited time to enjoy them which makes them even more valuable. 
You have the facts and I have a better appreciation for the day. It's not JUST about loved ones in your family tree. It's about extending kindness to everyone. We cannot always buy flowers, chocolates, etc but we can give out hugs, handshakes, and smiles for free. Would I like flowers? Yes, of course always. But perhaps I should get them for a friend instead of hoarding them all to myself. You may have a few empty note cards in your office drawer? (I'm talking about myself again) Wouldn't it be really thoughtful to send a few of them? Or let my USPS carrier know he does a great job and I enjoy the fact he takes time to wave at us?  It's the little things. It's the sweet reminder of the blessings we have in this life and we should remember to stop a moment and smell the roses, chocolates and maybe a freshly bathed baby along the way and then spread the joy to others.


Inspired to send Sweet Greetings? View our Sweetest Day Collection here!
Sweetest Day Flowers


Topics: Sweetest Day Gift Ideas, Sweetest Day

"Mums" is the word for Fall!

Posted by Fri, Oct 02, 2015 @ 02:09 PM

When I think of the perfect weathered arrival of autumn I think of crisp chilly mornings, fall leaves, pumpkins, sunflowers, cornfields, candy, and mums! All the hardy mums, all the time.

Is it even legal to celebrate the return of the best season of the year (in my humble opinion) without these favored flowers? Of course it is! But why would we? Exactly! We wouldn't! And I'm sure you are way ahead of the game here and have a few decorating the patio and front porch already; whereas I'm still catching up from back to school season. I'll be decorating my house with pumpkins, spiders, and everything creepy and Halloween-y by time mums hit my front door. This will be happening about a week out from Halloween because I'm a procrastinator like that! 

Even before walking through our door you may have seen a plentitude of colorful hardy mums outside to greet you. Did you happen to pick one up? Or two or a few more? What makes mums so special? Besides their popularity in low maintenance and abundance in blooms; these hardy mums also are available in multiple colors, sizes, and are generally insect and pest-free!

Of course there are rules for cultivating these bountiful beauties! Let's break it down real quick before the first hard frost visits us so we can welcome our favorite fall flowers back next year!

1. Plant before the frost bites! 
    Here's a handy frost calculator  from Farmer's Almanac
     for estimating frost dates! Typically mums are planted between
    late August-September. The sooner the mums are in the ground to 
    establish roots the better off they'll be. They also grow best in full 
    sun but can be persuaded to flourish in half days of direct sunlight.

2. General Care 
After planting your mums, keep a close eye on whether they need
    to be watered. Mums do best in well-drained soil with plenty of 
    water. Make sure not to let them wilt! You do not have to fertilize       this season but during the next growing season begin to your             mums as new growth begins with fertilizer. Feed at least monthly       until August.


3. Overwintering 
After the first hard frost mulch about 4 inches with shredded hardwood or straw. Spread mulch well between the branches and fill in around the entire plant. Dead blooms can be pinched off to clean it up but do not prune the brancheds until the spring. Mums have a better chance of survival with the branches intact. Once the weather warms up again move away the mulch and watch your pretty plant return to it's abundantly fall glory!


4. Dividing
If your mums are grown as perennials, they will need to be divided every couple of years. More mums? Yes, please! After the last hard frost and new growth is seen is the right time to divide the plant. Dig it up in one piece and separate outer pieces with a clean large knife or spade. Discard the original center of the plant and replant the outer portions in a freshly rejuvenated bed and voila! More hardy mums for your viewing pleasure!

There you have it! Easy care for these low maintenance fall favorite plants. Think it's too late to plant this year? Check the frost calculator, I bet there's a good chance there's still time to plant before fall gets frosty!


Shop Fall Flowers!






Topics: fall mums, hardy mum care

Care Packages for Back to School and Beyond

Posted by Sun, Aug 09, 2015 @ 09:11 AM

KellySnyder_CreativeServices"The secret of getting ahead is getting started."
- Mark Twain

Getting started during the fall could mean going to college, beginning a first job and/or moving out on your own. Regardless, there is always change abound in the autumn months and a great time to start making plans to send best wishes and thoughtful care packages to travelers of the brave new world of college and life.

Have a young bird leaving the nest this year? Here are a handful of care package ideas for sending throughout the year to let them know they aren't far from your mind at any time. Thoughtful, functional, and sweet; these packages are sure to be a hit!


toiletries1. Hygiene on Hiatus?

Doesn't matter whether one is going for their first apartment, long time resident hall occupant, headed out of town for a few months; this package is full of forget-me-nots which might have been overlooked. Toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, razors, favorite body lotion, loofah, roll-on perfume, etc. Perfect for travel and reminder that mom and dad are always looking out for their travelers. 



coldflue2. Under The Weather Watch

Oh yes there's many a "Get Well Soon" gift basket to send but what about the mornings they wake up and discover they are bedridden from a catastrophic cold? "Can't. leave. the. room. Send. for. backup. Call. my. mom." States away or just a trip down the block; You had the foresight of this occasion and helped your pride and joy during times of ailment by sending a "Sniffles" package before they needed it! Prepare for cold and flu with comforts of home in the form of cough drops, herbal tea, tissue pocket packs, a fun mug, chicken soup and more.  



Screen_Shot_2015-08-08_at_5.02.46_PM3. Snack Attack!

You remember those days. Late night cram sessions for tests; finishing up art projects at 3.a.m. and the kitchen doesn't open for another 3 hours! All we need is alittle more sustanance and we can push through till dawn but don't want to leave our room. In the greatest hour of need, wouldn't it be great to have snacks on hand? Crackers, cookies, popcorn, pretzels, and the like are a prime pick for college bound people everywhere. Just think, your thoughtfulness and experience in the matter has saved the day. So go ahead and take credit for that successful test score; you helped them earn it.


SlothCard-014. Go Ahead, It's on Me!

First job, first apartment, first or last year at college, it's tough starting out on your own, remember? What better way to say "I love you; I empathsize with your situation" than with an all access gift card to anywhere! Need a break from countless hours studying for finals? Go to the movies! Is there a new knick knack or paint marker you want to have just because? Go get it! Relax, get that fancy flavored coffee topped off with whipped cream. Sky's the limit..or whatever amount was put on the gift card. Don't forget to dress up this thoughtful gift with candy kisses, huggable plush or in my case, a fresh set of gel pens. 



22-0010b5. It's a Jolly Holiday with this Gift

Not going home for the holidays? Need extra love and attention in your new domicile or office? Send an ornament display tree at the beginning of the school year family photos attached to clips. As the year progresses add a few special holiday treats to your care packages such as spooky decor for Halloween, small ornaments and candy for Christmas; Sweetheart surprises for Valentine's Day; the possibilities are endless and you can find all sorts of gift goodies at our shop!



planter6. A Breath of Fresh Air, Literally

Last but not least, I'll throw in a planter as a suggestion. "A plant? That's not a package...besides, they can barely care for themselves!" True, but they will keep you company in your cubicle, apartment, dorm room, bedroom, etc. A bit of life and greenery while adding fresh clean oxygen into the dungeon of dirty socks and laundry bags on the brink of explosion. Another great green option is our terrariums, see our collection here! Stylish containers and plant design will dress up any room. Speaking of containers; there's another area where you can add a touch of creativity. Make your own; paint one up; you get the idea.


That's it, in a super-sized care-package worthy nutshell. There are so many fabulous ways we can send our love creatively. And it's not as much about what's in the package as much as it is what is in the message you are sending. The message of thoughtfulness, love, and having your young adult's back as they start out in college, the professional world, or on their own. Autumn is an exciting time of year. Let's get started with sending some love!

Want to see more gift basket ideas? Click here!

Visit our website for fantastic flowers and gifts for every occasion at!


Topics: Care Packages, Ideas for Care Packages, Flowers and gifts, Gift Baskets

Cascading Bouquets Back in Style

Posted by Thu, Aug 06, 2015 @ 04:33 PM

Raw_badgetag-01-1Get your scrunchies tightened and throw on a denim jacket! It's time for another 80's trend comeback in the shape of weddings! Babies Breath, mismatched bridesmaids dresses and balloons are along for the ride but the most notable comeback in terms of wedding flowers is the Cascading Bouquet! 

Were cascading bouquets ever out of trend? Well, yes and no, historically speaking. This gorgeous shape of overflowing florals replaced the petite posey bouquet around 1910. After a couple of decades of being the go-to bouquet among brides everywhere the style had evolved into a grand event itself. The showering bouquet had become so exaggerated in size it overwhelmed the bride and overflowed with yards of ribbons for 'Lovers' knots' where more blooms and foliage were inserted. The 1930's and war time brought about a complete overhaul in wedding style. Instead of romantic and frilly, there was smart and simple suits. The elaborate design of the showering bouquet was replaced with corsages.

PrincessDianaWas this the end of the showering bouquet? Indeed not! They re-emerged as "Princess" in honor of the late Princess Diana and her large, multi-trail bouquet. Later in the 80's a smaller shower bouquet returned and with it new shapes such as teardrop; crescent; trail; and the most contemporary; cascading. 

Waterfall-shaped dimensions, width across the top similar to the width below which gives a more natural flowing look. Their long, elegant lines often more flattering and complement both elaborate and vintage gowns exquisitely.

In days of yore the cascading bouquets, chock full of expensive flowers, added up to a very hefty price. One of the modern twists on this design has your pocketbook in mind. The trend is texture, greenery and foliage are our friends! Added bonus, the size of the bouquet can range from grandiose to rustic and quaint. As with most floral designs in this present day; the world is your oyster when it comes to having a dream wedding come true complete with a trendy cascading bouquet. Be it on a budget or celebrating your lottery win with the wedding of the century; the fine designers of Gillespie Florists can help you out. Just give us a call, schedule a complimentary consultation with our wedding specialist and check our wedding collection (such as these samples below) online!


Topics: weddings, weddings indianapolis, wedding trend, cascading bouquet, wedding trend comebacks, showering bouquet

Favorite Roses for Weddings

Posted by Wed, Jul 22, 2015 @ 02:30 PM



Roses are red, lavender, pale pink, 
peach and even blue; 
which one, do tell, is the perfect 
wedding rose for you?


Indeed, which rose is the perfect rose for your big day? Over 150 species exist in the world and granted far less to choose from at the florist but still! How to narrow down the choices? There is always the option to hop on Pinterest and spend hours upon hours checking out what others have researched...possibly pin over 100 great ideas for your wedding while you're at it. OR perhaps we could save a bit of time, call a local florist and and set up an appointment. If you're searching in in the Indianapolis area; you'll want to dial 317.273.1100 and ask for our (er) their wedding specialist.

What roses are trending for weddings at Gillespie Florists? Which ones are our go-to ones? We're here to fill you in right now and narrow down the choices! Let's start with Tiffany.


tiffany_smaller1. Tiffany

Hailing from Ecuador, we use the barely kissed peach of Tiffany. This rose is very pale peach with the slightest hint of pink.  The color is solid through the bloom although each bloom may vary from pale to alittle brighter peach. The rose shape stays tight and does not open into a wide bloom. Added bonus: the stems have almost no thorns and leaves are simple to remove. 

Tiffany is a prime choice for popular trend of nude-fashion weddings (read more about this trend here!)





2. David Austin Juliet

Indicative a soft blush; the color of soft peach is one of demureness, innocence, and reserve. The David Austin Garden Rose is an excellent example of these attributes.

Grown in Ecuador as well, this rose is the perfect pale peach and blooms into a lovely garden rose shape. Soft, romantic petals give an air of ethereal beauty. 

Please note: Handle with Care! The stems are delicate and outer petals tear easily. The vase life is a bit shorter than Tiffany but still one of our favorite roses for their color and shape.





mondial_small3. Mondial White

Elegant white roses go hand in hand with weddings as they symbolize marriage, new beginnings, and spirituality.

A very popular choice for white roses among florists is the Mondial White. This rose, although labeled "white" has the creamiest color in its numerous petals. The exquisite shape and texture of the petals coupled with long stems and large blooming head make Mondial White a preferred rose for large arrangements and centerpieces.






ohararose4. O'Hara Pink Garden Rose

Soft pink roses symbolize joy, gentleness and grace. This particular garden rose grown in France has 4 hearts in the center is the very definition of grace and gentleness.

The O'Hara Pink is very fragrant and opens to a full bloom of delicate, ruffled petals. It's creamy pink color is a perfect bridal pink.  With a long vase life and intricate texture; these aromatic garden roses will work wonders in a bridal bouquet, centerpiece, and more. 






oceansong_small5. Ocean Song 

Was it love at first sight? Enchantment? Lavender roses symbolize the magic of true love.

Ocean Song from Ecuador emulates the moment with large whimsical blooms. These roses have a moderate opening speed and petals perfectly touched with just the right amount of creamy lavender with an antique flair. Ocean Song blends well with other colors. The soft lavender is striking and consistent throughout the petals. Showcase them as the main color or with white for an extremely eye-catching look.



Congratulations! You made it through our top five choices for roses in weddings! It's difficult to narrow down favorites when there are a plethera of options. However, through experience, time and trends these gorgeous blooms top the charts in our books. Interested in using roses for your wedding? Need help trimming down the vast selection of flowers to fit into your budget? Give us a call and schedule an appointment with our wedding specialist!

Need ideas and inspiration? Check out our wedding collection here!


Schedule a complimentary consultation with our Wedding Specialist!

Contact our Wedding Specialist!


Topics: wedding flowers indianapolis, top roses for weddings, wedding roses, Mondial white Rose, Ocean Song Rose, Tiffany Rose, David Austin Juliet

Why Buy Permanent Botanicals? Silk Flowers at Gillespie Florists

Posted by Tue, Jul 21, 2015 @ 09:30 AM

kellybadgetag-01-3Look at these blooms! Aren't they lovely? Intricate? Natural? The arrangements in the picture are very natural looking! However they happen to be permanent botanicals; otherwise known as silk flowers.

Growing up I've always known them as silks; why change the name? Because time and technology have given us materials in abundance to create blooms and foliage to look more detailed, gorgeous, and so life-like you may think you've walked into Madame Tussauds. Fortunately, permanent botanicals are very accessible so you don't have to leave town to find natural looking flowers to create a masterpiece for the living room and office. 


Now that I've given you the "how" to obtaining quality permanent botanicals; let us look at why we should consider having them. Here is my quick rundown:

1. Availability: 
Silk flowers are always in season; in a multitude of colors. Get what you want when you want it.

2. Long term Savings:
Permanent Botanicals are built to last, last, and last some more. Extend the life on your silk arrangements by keeping them away from the full sun and dust them occasionaly to maintain a healthy and natural glow. 

3. Low Maintenance:
Faux flowers are not maintenance free but instead of checking for dead leaves, changing out water, clipping back branches, etc; you'll dust it down every once in a great while and admire their fresh colors.

4.  Allergy Free:
Having guests over? No worries about permanent botanicals causing allergic reactions to pollen or scent! However, you CAN choose to scent the arrangements if desired.

5.  Re-Use
Re-use, recycle, upcycle; one of my favorite aspects of having permanent botanicals is they are almost indestructable and if I'm ready for a different vase or look; I can use what I have and add more!  

There are quite a few more reasons permanent botanicals are favored among the world of flowers but these are my personal top five. Have I convinced you to add faux flowers to your world? Unsure of jumping into the land of faux natural beauty just yet? Give it will happen when you least expect it. Take a peek at our lovely collection of permanent botanicals the next time you visit us. Our fine quality silk arrangements are works of art with the fine detail and luxurious color on each petal and leaf.  A guaranteed perfect touch of natural beauty to any living area and office space.

Need to send a bouquet? Check out our Best Sellers Collection!




Topics: silk flowers, silk flowers indianapolis, Silk Arrangements, Permanent Botanicals

Why Buy Permanent Botanicals? Silk Flowers on Sale at Gillespie Florists

Posted by Mon, Jul 06, 2015 @ 04:05 PM

kellybadgetag-01-3Look at these blooms! Aren't they lovely? Intricate? Natural? The arrangements in the picture are very natural looking! However they happen to be permanent botanicals; otherwise known as silk flowers.

Growing up I've always known them as silks; why change the name? Because time and technology have given us materials in abundance to create blooms and foliage to look more detailed, gorgeous, and so life-like you may think you've walked into Madame Tussauds. Fortunately, permanent botanicals are very accessible so you don't have to leave town to find natural looking flowers to create a masterpiece for the living room and office. 

Speaking of places to find these "faux natural" beauties; we are having a sale on ours at Gillespie Florists! From 40% off take out silk arrangements, cemetary silks, and you can even choose to have them delivered at 20% off! Sounds like a fabulous deal to add some three-dimensional still life to your home. silksale_blog-01Now that I've given you the "how" to obtaining quality permanent botanicals; let us look at why we should consider having them. Here is my quick rundown:

1. Availability:
Silk flowers are always in season; in a multitude of colors. Get what you want when you want it.

2. Long term Savings:
Permanent Botanicals are built to last, last, and last some more. Extend the life on your silk arrangements by keeping them away from the full sun and dust them occasionaly to maintain a healthy and natural glow. 

3. Low Maintenance:
Faux flowers are not maintenance free but instead of checking for dead leaves, changing out water, clipping back branches, etc; you'll dust it down every once in a great while and admire their fresh colors.

4.  Allergy Free:
Having guests over? No worries about permanent botanicals causing allergic reactions to pollen or scent! However, you CAN choose to scent the arrangements if desired.

5.  Re-Use
Re-use, recycle, upcycle; one of my favorite aspects of having permanent botanicals is they are almost indestructable and if I'm ready for a different vase or look; I can use what I have and add more!  

There are quite a few more reasons permanent botanicals are favored among the world of flowers but these are my personal top five. Have I convinced you to add faux flowers to your world? Yes? Then stop by our shop by July 11th to take advantage of our silk sale! Unsure of jumping into the land of faux natural beauty just yet? Give it will happen when you least expect it. Take a peek at our lovely collection of permanent botanicals the next time you visit us. Our fine quality silk arrangements are works of art with the fine detail and luxurious color on each petal and leaf.  A guaranteed perfect touch of natural beauty to any living area and office space.


Topics: silk flowers, silk flowers indianapolis, silk flowers sale, Silk Arrangements, Permanent Botanicals

Caring for your Fresh Arrangement: Roses

Posted by Fri, Jun 19, 2015 @ 08:24 AM

kellybadgetag-01-3Congratulations! Have you recently received a bouquet from us? Or perchance the thought occurred "Are there actions I can take to extend the life on flowers I get?"

Those questions are what happened to me, friends. How is it I don't automatically have the knowledge on how to make bouquets last longer? Shouldn't it be in my genetic coding? Maybe, but it isn't. Therefore today we're going to list the ways we can make our flowers, specifically roses, last longer after receiving them. 



1. Clean Container

Let's say you receive some loose flowers, sunshine bouquet, etc and you're supplying the vase. If you are like me; there may be a variety of containers collecting a bit of dust under the sink. Get the vase of your choice and clean it with hot, soapy water and then rinse it out. This will remove bacteria and help keep the water clear. *Also a step which should be repeated when switching out the water every day or so.*

Did you receive a flowers already arranged in a container? Fantastic! They are already on their way to a delightful stay at your home. Move onto the next step!




cutstems2: Cut Stems

Whether they be loosely wrapped or already vased; the best way to keep blooms fresh is to cut the stems. If flowers are being placed in a container for the first time, cut off about 1/2"-3/4" of the stem at a 45° angle.  Look at that, using geometry in practical life. Cutting at an angle allows the flower maximum chance to take up water. Using a sharp knife or scissor blades will help as well. The cut should be crisp and clean, leaving the tissue undamaged.

For those of you who received a bouquet in a vase to begin with; cut the stems every few days.




floralifeuniversalsachetpowder-016285-edited3: Water and Preservatives

It is very important to keep the water clean and clear! So completely switch out the water in your container every 2-3 days. If you're concerned about losing the design; tie twine around the stems to keep the shape the bouquet when removing it from the vase.  Is the arrangement to big easily remove? Carefully tip the container and drain all the water out.

We send our artfully designed bouquets and loose wrapped flowers homewith FloralLife packets. Add flower food when switching out the water according to the directions. Don't have any flower preservatives on hand? Use a mixture of sprite and water to keep your bouquet happy!
*Special Note: zinnias, sunflowers, and glads aren't big fans of flower food.*

Fill the container halfway with sprite, and the rest with tap water. Make sure use to regular Sprite or 7-Up as the flowers need sugar. They also need an acidifier and citric acid. The Sprite and water mixture will provide you with citric acid and sugar but lacks an acidifier, which you need to help control the bacteria in the container. The only solution to the quicker bacteria build-up is to switch out the water every other day. Don't forget to cut the stems at an angle before returning to their container!


IMG_20150116_1824433: Display in Cool Space

 "Oh, this bouquet is so gorgeous; so beautiful; I must put it by the window for all the world to see!"  

Don't do it! To maximize the life of your bouquet; keep it out of direct sunlight and heat. Also steer clear of setting your bouquet next to ripening veggies and fruits like apples and bananas. They release an odorless invisible gas called ethylene which induces flowers to drop their petals and become a fruit.

This rule is more difficult for me because I really enjoy my bouquets the most in the kitchen whilst sipping coffee or preparing meals. 



Screen_Shot_2015-06-18_at_7.14.29_AM4: Check Flowers Daily

"How exactly are these care instructions different than any other flower arrangement?"

Great question and here is the answer! As you go about each step, keep the following information in mind about roses.
a. Don't let leaves fall below the water line when refilling
    the water in the container.
b. Remove discolored petals (guard petals) on the flower's         outer edge.
c. If roses begin to wilt; cut off around an inch from the bottom of the stem and submerge the entire rose under water in a sink or bathtub. Allow the stem to absorb water for about 20-60 minutes before returning them to their vase. 
Roses last longer in a cool area, but if you want their blooms to open quickly, temporarily place them in a warmer spot (Note: not warmer than 80 degrees Fahrenheit or they begin wilting very quickly).


20150312_181003-614161-edited5: Enjoy

Let's see, cut stems at an angle; change water frequently; flower food; remove discolored petals and fall foliage; clean vase and containers; and daily check on your bouquet! 

Yep, that about sums it up! Sounds like pretty simple steps to keeping a bouquet looking fresh and beautiful like the day it was given to you. What is left to do but to appreciate these gorgeous blooms? Enjoy!



June is National Rose Month; click here to see our rose collection!

What are our favorite bouquets for this month? Click here to find out!



Topics: rose care, flower bouquet care, extending life of your bouquet, bouquet care

Top Flower Tips for Your Summer Wedding

Posted by Thu, May 28, 2015 @ 01:16 PM


Peak wedding season is well underway and we are a few short weeks from the temperature going from delightfully mild to hot and steamy. Don't let the heat keep you from planning the wedding of your dreams. Here are some tips to keep the flowers (and yourself!) cool and collected for a successful summer wedding! 




1. Select Flowers with Staying Power

What flowers hold up under high temperatures? One option is checking what's in season locally. Purchasing local blooms will not only help your budget but also better the chances of flowers holding up all day.

If local floral isn't fitting the bill we always have our hardy classics such as roses, garden roses, sunflowers, lisianthus and daisies. Another great option is going tropical with Bird of Paradise, calla lilies, tiger lilies, ginger and many varieties of orchids. Tropical flowers tend to have a glossy, waxy texture which ensures staying power for summer weddings. 





2. Bloom Maintenance Required

We are an organized people who feel assured when everything is in sight for our big day the night before. But the best thing you can do for your flowers is have them delivered the day of the wedding and have them refridgerated until just prior to the ceremony, pictures, or both (depending on the schedule for the day).

Have you ever noticed water droplets on up close photos of floral designs, especially wedding ones? It is so important to keep flowers hydrated and cool during the summer heat. If you aren't holding your bouquet, have someone place it in the shade or in a vase with alittle water in it. Centerpieces and arrangements can be lightly misted every couple of hours to help keep them fresh till after the guest depart from your amazing reception.




3. Go Bold with a Colorful Palette

"Go bold or go home!" as I always say...not true, not all the time. It's your wedding day therefore if the wedding palette of your dreams is basic black; nothing but neon; or purely pastel, then go for it! Based on research and industry opinion we have found bold colors are a popular selection for the summer. What bold is appropriate for your wedding theme? Use rich red, lux purple, and deep wine for a more formal event. Outdoors and semi-formal will be a festive occasion with flavorul colors such as mango, hot fuschia, violet, magenta and green. Lastly, let's get casual with bright and golden sunflowers and call it day. Sunflowers are so vibrant, you woudn't require many to create brilliant color.





chooseyourcenterpiece4. Choosing the Right Centerpiece

There are so many options for centerpieces! Formal receptions call for tall vases overflowing with hydrangea, roses, etc while semi-formal and casual often use mason jars, wooden box planters, and found containers in their decor. Another fabulous option especially for bold colors is modern shaped clear containers utilizing wires or even fruit to give more pop to the table!

We've discussed flowers with staying power, bright colors, and also touched upon maintaining your blooms. At this point I'm going to mention hydrangea. It is one of the most popular flowers for weddings and also has a high risk wilting factor. Does that stop our brides from using it? Absolutely not! They are gorgeous and we encourage using these soft, lovely petals. Just keep them hydrated and misted every once in awhile and they will do just fine, and that is why I used this particular centerpiece as an example. Something to consider when planning reception flowers is venue location and table placement.



sarahwedding5. Call Us!

There are many things to consider when planning your wedding. Location, reception, food, guests; the list is endless and we haven't even begun to address questions such as "What's in season? What's local? Which flowers keep best in a certain temperature? What colors are available for these blooms?" all these questions and more can be answered with the help of your trusty, local us! So don't forget to call and enlist help in making the wedding of your dreams come true whether it be on the chilliest day, hottest night, or somewhere in that perfect 68-72° range in between.

Planning a wedding?
Contact us for a free wedding consultation & browse our wedding collection online below!

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Topics: Wedding flowers, Wedding trends, weddings indianapolis, wedding flower tips

Meet Our Prom King & Queen for 2015!

Posted by Sat, May 23, 2015 @ 09:30 AM


A few years ago, we at Gillespie Florists thought it would be fun to have a Prom King & Queen Contest and have been having it every year since! Prom goers only needed to post their picture on our Facebook Place Page or use #GFPROM2015 on Instagram or twitter wearing our flowers! We then asked our social media followers to "Like" their favorite picture or make a positive comment about it to determine the winner. We had several people enter but there can be only one winner! 

And the Winner is...

Hiedi Nguyen & Paul Sanders! 

Hiedi and Paul each get a $25.00 gift card to Gillespie Florists and Hiedi will be crowned with a tiara and flowers!

Gillespie Prom king and queen contest winners 2015

Hiedi wore a dendrobium corsage in this picture, similar to the one pictured below!

pink dendro orchid corsage prom


As a Thank you, Our Runners ups will recieve a $10.00 gift card each and each girl will recieve a Sunshine bouquet! Just stop in the store, let us know you are a runner up!

Our Runner Ups are:


Sydney Judge & Justin Adams

Thomas Barram & Lydia Trapp

A Big Thank You to Everyone Who Entered The Contest! Until Next Year!

Topics: Seasonal, informational, prom