The Flower Blog

Prom King & Queen Contest 2014!

Posted by Fri, Apr 11, 2014 @ 12:51 PM

Gillespie Florists Prom King & Queen Contest 2014!

Post a snapshot of you and another person wearing flowers from Gillespie Florists on our Facebook Page, Twitter or Instagram and get the chance to be crowned the Gillespie Florists Prom King & Queen!

2013 prom king quenn

Here's how it Works:

·   Take a snapshot of you and your date wearing Gillespie's Flowers.

·   Post it on our Wall or use #GFPROM2014 - make sure it’s a public post!

·   Tag your self in the photo as well as anyone else in the picture.

·   We'll put it in our "Prom King & Queen Contest Album 2014".

·   Ask your friends/family to "Like" your photo or post positive comments on your photo once it has been added to the Prom King & Queen album.

·   One week after the end of Prom Season, we will tally up the "Likes" and Comments and whoever has the most wins!

What do you get if you win?

The Queen will be crowned with a tiara and flowers and

both King and Queen will be awarded a $25.00 Gift Card to Gillespie Florists!

And don't forget, Bragging Rights!

Contest ends May 27th, 2014. Winners will be announced on Facebook May 30th!


Here's the Link to our Facebook page:

Twitter:    @gillespiefloris

Instagram:    gillespieflorists

Check out some of our 2014 Prom Flowers by click the picture below!

Light up prom flowers

Topics: Seasonal, Prom flowers, Prom flowers Avon, Prom Flowers Indianapolis

Heavy Metal, Captivating Tulle: A Prom Gown Mashup

Posted by Thu, Apr 03, 2014 @ 12:19 PM

describe the imageHeavy metal at prom? Headbanging to some Slayer or Anthrax? I don't know what they listen to at prom these days but anything is possible.  The focus today is not on heavy metal music but the trend of metallics and how they pair with the latest styles of gowns. There are a few styles which exclude sequins, crystals, and metallic accents but if you look around, you're going to see metallic bling in most everything this year.

Oh I hear some of you groaning, "agh Prom! Give it a rest! I'm going to catch a movie instead!" True, there are naysayers about prom. It is overrated, cliche, a waste of money, etc, etc, however I'll put in my two cents because that's what we adults do, isn't it? Young adults, I can appreciate that you probably hear many suggestions about many things daily therefore if you prefer not to read my view, please proceed to the next paragraph. The readers digest version is this: I'm a mother of 3 and have worn fancy dresses per my selection on 2 occasions: Prom and my wedding day.  There are not many opportunities to get decked out and glamourous as an adult (we will be addressing this topic in the near future). If you have the chance to get dressed up, wear something amazing, and feel like a rockstar, queen, what have you then take the limited time only experience and make the most of it!

dressOk! Back to prom gowns! It is overwhelming the variety of styles, fabrics, and colors for prom gowns, like wedding dresses it would be difficult to narrow down and find the "one" dress for one of the biggest nights your high school career! After spending a considerable amount of time browsing the multitude of dresses this season and day dreaming about my dress selection I've decided my favorite style is a beautiful blend of tulle and metallic accents via sequins, like this fabulous get-up right here! I love hot pink! It's a powerful, poppy, and very fashionable color. The sequin bodice with crystal accents is stunning yet playful. Altogether the style is glamourous with a splash of fun!

Since the dress is so dazzling I could take it easy on the jewelry...or go all out, because this may be my last chance to reflect disco lights off of my clothing and accessories. Just a note if you're still looking for jewelry, Kohls has some amazing clearance costume jewelry. I bought a pair of beautiful dangly rhinestone drop earrings for under $5. I am clueless what to do with them except perhaps blind my coworkers with their sparkly brilliance. If you want to go all out and shine bright like a diamond, hit their clearance section first!


describe the imageAnd of course let us not forget the corsage.This is the defining piece to your outfit for prom night. The perfect match for my dress would be this gorgeous jeweled bracelet with opalescent leaves, silver beading, and orchids. 

I suppose we *could* forgo the prom corsage...wait..what am I saying?! Did my fingers really just type out that ridiculous idea?! Prom just isn't the same without a custom-made corsage to finsh out your well planned ensemble. Let me reiterate...PROM IS NOT PROM WITHOUT THE CORSAGE!

describe the imageGo to the ones you trust for your corsage needs, in other words, Gillespie Florists.  Our selection of accessories is phenomenal and our designers are not to be trifled with. We will complete your look for one of the most memorable evenings in your lifetime. Because believe or not, people remember their prom night.  Almost 20 years later I still remember mine, and recently was re-introduced to one of my high school friends parents as "she was my prom date in high school". Yes, prom can have a lasting impression on your life. Go now, get the "this dress was meant especially for me" dress and the "we will make this just for you" corsage and make prom night one you'll always remember.

Click below to browse a few of our corsages for ideas on what we can do for you!

Shop Prom Flowers

Will the Real Leprechaun Please Stand Up?

Posted by Thu, Mar 06, 2014 @ 10:40 AM

kprofile_Badge-01-01“A leprechaun, a cluricaun, and a far darrig…”

Sounds like the beginning of a great joke!

The joke is really on us in the states as we’ve condensed these three completely separate creatures into the Leprechaun. Here in the US the leprechaun is recognized on cereal boxes, plastered on t-shirts, posters, buttons, etc for St. Patricks day. I’ve often wondered what does this guy have to do with St. Patrick's day...he isn’t St. Patrick.  In fact, St. Patrick wasn’t even Patrick to begin with; he was Maewyn Succat and hailed from Great Britain. Kidnapped by pirates; sold into slavery in Ireland; and herded sheep on a mountain. One day God spoke to him in a dream to become a priest and his journey to sainthood began. But I digress, let’s get back to leprechaun and his pals.

140px Leprechaun ill artlibre jnlThe Leprechaun, sometimes called “wee folk”, inhabited Ireland before the arrival of the Celts. They are small enough to sit on your shoulder and are quite intelligent and a bit mischievous. Leprechaun translates from Irish leith brog into "One-shoemaker." He is often seen working on a single shoe.

Legend has it the Leprachaun makes shoes constantly and dresses in smart little suits with waistcoats, hats, and gold buckles on his shoe.  He has grown very rich from making shoes therefore dresses most proper!  Ah, so that is where the pot of gold comes in, isn’t it, to store all his riches? Hardly. Old treasure crocks were buried during war-time by soldiers whom never returned from the battlefield.  The Leprechaun discovered the buried treasure and claimed them for his own.

Irish fairies the gave him magical powers in case he was ever captured by humans who may be lurking near the pots of gold. The leprechaun could then use his magic to either vanish into thin air or grant three wishes!

Dodging humans and animals all day is hard work so the leprechauns are well known for playing hard too with musical instruments such as fiddles, tin whistles and even the irish harp! They get together and have crazy music gatherings at night called “Ceili’s, where hundreds of leprechauns join together to dance sing and drink.  Their favorite drinks are Poteen and Moonshine. You’d think they would cause some chaos, but it is not the case, his fine cousin, the Cluricaun, is the real trouble maker with his drink.


220px Leprechaun or ClurichaunThe Cluricaun is considered the night “form” of the leprechaun. Surly, rough, and mischievous he makes himself drunk in gentlemen's cellars after finishing his daily chores. Folklore concludes clurichauns enjoy riding sheep and dogs at night. If they are treated well they will protect your wine cellar, but mistreated, they will wreak havoc on your home and spoil your wine stock. Sometimes they act as liquor stockroom spirits, plaguing drunkards or dishonest servants who steal wine; if the victim attempts to move away from their tormentor, the clurichaun will hop into a cask to accompany them. Once plagued by the Cluricaun, it is difficult to get rid of him. If one happens to invade your wine cellar, I’d suggest staying on his good side. The Far Darrig is a different story; at first glance he looks like trouble!


Far DarrigThe Far Darrig, meaning the Red Man, occupies his time with practical if not gruesome joking. He is closely related to the leprechaun, with similar features and a short stocky body. His face is splotchy yellow and dresses in red from his hat down to his socks. This is the reason he is called the far darrig or red man.

Ever the practical joker he can manipulate his voice, emitting sounds like the thudding waves on the rocks or the cooing of pigeons. His favorite sound  to make is the dull, hollow laugh of a dead man coming from the grave. It is advisable to say 'Na dean maggadh fum'-- do not mock me', when you come into contact with a far darrig so you will not be used in one of his macabre games. Unfortunately, he plans his tricks so well that mortals are snared long before they realize what is happening. 

With all this being said, the far darrig does not actually desire to do harm! He is good natured and will bring luck to those whom he approves; but cannot resist an initial prank or two. We can surmise the far darrig does have a good side although his appearance suggests otherwise.


tumblr m0zr7hiZyu1r08h92The small, magical, mischievous and well dressed Leprechaun seems to be the spokesperson for his relatives here in the states, and I think we now know why! What does he have to do with St. Patricks day? Absolutely nothing until Walt Disney released a film "Darby O'Gill & the Little People" which changed the face of the Leprechaun to Americans everywhere. He is now a happy, joyful, and lucky symbol for St. Patrick's Day.  

I have checked around the shop a few times to see if there were any of the 3 creatures living among the plants in the showroom or maybe hiding out in the back cooler waiting to suprise a customer or designer but haven't seen any yet.  

We may not have these mischievous creatures lurking about to pull pranks but should you come visit in search of something green for St. Patrick's Day; you will be able to find quite a few fun, happy, and charming bouquets available!

Click below to see what Irish inspired delight our designers have created this year!


Topics: Seasonal, informational, St.Patrick's Day history, leprechaun

Newly Engaged? Now what?

Posted by Thu, Feb 20, 2014 @ 12:48 PM

describe the imageIs that a new ring on your finger?! Did you just celebrate Valentine's Day with your significant other and end up a fiancé by the end of the evening? If so, congratulations! So now what?

If you've been planning your big day since childhood it's possible you've already got your ducks in a row: the venue selected, the dress has been narrowed down, invitations on order...but what about the rest of us? If you're anything like me, perhaps you're still in shock or not even sure where to begin the process of planning your wedding!  

Planning a wedding is a spectacular feat and not to be taken lightly. Therefore we did some research on some of the more popular and convenient ways to get organized and on schedule as the countdown begins.  It definitely helps to have a day in mind when you get started but if you don't have the exact date, that's ok, even a month or season is a great start.

bridecoverWhen I was planning my wedding in the days of yore the first thing I did was go to the store and pick up a couple of copies of bridal magazines. Of course, we had internet back then but this was before pinterest and the best way to gather your ideas was cutting them out of magazines and visiting the bridal stores to pick up free info.

We also visited the Bridal Show at in Indiana Roof Ballroom to visit many local vendors at one location. There are more shows available nowadays, and you can find more information about them and other local wedding related events at Indiana Bride Magazine.

describe the imageHave you seen the movie "The Wedding Planner" with Jennifer Lopez?  I did. As a very indecisive person, I loved the idea of having someone else take care of the arrangements. Someone to say "we need this done by this date, you should have your dress by this date, the venue should be selected by..."  Sounds awesome, just tell me what to do when and I will do it. Unfortunately a wedding planner was not in my budget so I settled with the helpful lists the bridal magazines supplied and went online to gather more info.

Thanks to technology, all the wedding resources we could possibly imagine are just a couple of clicks and/or finger taps away. Here are a few of the best wedding resources out there to help you make your day a big success.

Weddings, there's an app for that. Actually there are quite a few!  We are spending less time in front of a computer and more time on the go! We've got places to go, cakes to sample, dresses to try on, this is no time to be sitting unless its in a vehicle to take you to another possible venue for the big day!

describe the image

The Knot Ultimate Wedding Planner app

This free app is available through itunes and truly is the ultimate wedding planner and syncs with one of the best wedding planning websites

Get your budget and track payments, find your dress and the bridesmaids dresses too, 1000+ IDEAS for cakes, decor, hairstyles and more, see top gifts for your registry, Find and save the best wedding vendors in your area, AND save, store and send all your clippings and photos 

Weddinghappy:Wedding Planner, free wedding planning app. Just put in your big day and it schedules task list calendar to keep you on track. The beauty of this app is you don't need the web to use it. this app is available for both iphone and android. No more standing in front of registry box filling out info and carrying around awkward price gun!

Scan any product barcode to add items to your registry/wishlist, manage your registry/wishlist on the go, send eCards to invite your friends to check out your gift list, another free online service, brides send out one email to friends and family, sharing a link to an address book. They fill out a form and suddenly everyone's information is organized in a neat file for sending invitations, thank you notes and more. 

Tabletop planner This ingenius piece of software and app is remarkable. Import guest list,
drag/drop names in table diagram as guests rsvp, can adjust table size and indicate meal preference. It reduces the headache of guest musical chairs and it's free!

describe the imageVyclone This app lets everyone upload videos which are then mashed up into seamless videos. Feeling super creative? You can edit and add soundtracks from your phone!

Wedding Party kind of like facebook for weddings! Invite friends, family, bridal party, etc and upload images, posts, and messages to single site viewable on, you choose privacy settings!

Don't these apps sound super handy and convenient? Have you downloaded them yet? These are just a few of many great apps and websites you can find online to help plan for your big seems we might be forgetting one more website though...oh here it is

Sure we don't have a wedding app but we are ready to make bouquets and beautiful arrangements perfect for your wedding day!

For your every day floral needs, however, we DO have a floralapp! Check it out here!

Don't forget to click below to schedule a free consultation with our wedding specialist!

 Contact our Wedding Specialist!

Topics: weddings, informational, trends

Valentine's Day Take-Out Specials 2014!

Posted by Thu, Feb 13, 2014 @ 08:17 AM

describe the imageTomorrow is the big day! Have you ordered something for your sweetheart yet? No? Don't worry, it's not too late! Stop by our shop and see what we have available. We have plenty of beautiful flowers for you to peruse; our cooler is packed full of gorgeous bouquets, loose stem flowers, sunshine bouquets and our shelves have countless cute things to attach to your selection.


We have many great take-out specials for our walk-in customers so stop on by and have a fantastic Valentine's Day!

vday2014 takeoutspecial 01

Dozen Wrapped Roses $29.95

Dozen Wrapped Roses with Baby's Breath $34.95

Sunshine Bouquets $3.95

Dozen Wrapped Carnations with bb $16.95

Gerbera Stems $3.00

Tulips $9.95 a bunch (while supplies last)

European Style Wrapped Bouquet  Starting at $11.95

South Bend Chocolates $12.95 & up

Hydrangea fresh cut stems $3.95

Topics: Seasonal, Sales, informational

From Goats to Greetings: A Valentine's Day Origin Story

Posted by Fri, Jan 31, 2014 @ 08:04 AM

describe the image

Nothing says "I love You" quite like being smacked with a bloody piece of goat hide and having your name put in a jar to be matched up for a year with some guy you've never met. Sounds great, right?  It simplifies the process of dating and who knows, by the end of the year perhaps fate was right and the stranger selecting the scrap of paper with your name on it might end up being the man of your dreams! It could happen...maybe not today, but back when Rome was founded (traditionally 753 B.C.) or possibly even earlier. Romans, they really knew how to party! This party, Lupercalia, in particular occured February 13-15 and is often pinpointed as the origin for Valentine's Day.

lupercalia valentine Lupercalia was actually a fertility festival dedicated to Faunus, the Roman god of agriculture, as well as to the Roman founders Romulus and Remus. 

To begin the festival, an order of Roman priests, would gather at a sacred cave where the infants Romulus and Remus, were believed to have been cared for by a she-wolf or lupa. The priests would sacrifice a goat, for fertility, and a dog, for purification. They would then strip the goat's hide into strips, dip them into the sacrificial blood and hit the streets, smacking (gently) both women and crop fields with the bloody hide. It sounds disgusting and unpleasant but Roman women looked forward to this portion of the festivities because it was believed to make them more fertile in the coming year. Then later on in the day is when they held the Roman version of "The Bachelor". All the young women in the city would place their names in a big urn and bachelors would each choose a name and become paired for the year with his chosen woman. It was common for these matches to end in marriage.

valentinemosaicLupecalia was celebrated until outlawed due to it being "un-Christian" around the end of the 5th century when Pope Gelasius declared February 14 St. Valentine's Day.  It wasn't celebrated as a day of love right off the bat however; began as a liturgical celebration of one or more early Christian saints named Valentinus. One legend is Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young men. Valentine realized the injustice of the law and performed marriages for young lovers in secret. When Valentine's actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death.  

Another popular legend is an imprisoned Valentine fell in love with a girl, the jailor's daughter, who visited him during his confinement. Before his death, it has been said he wrote her a letter signed "From your Valentine," an expression which is still very common today. Ah, NOW we are getting somewhere. This sounds a bit more romantic, although tragic, than Lupercalia festivities, but Valentine's Day in modern times is still a far reach from its origin until the Middle Ages.A common belief in France and England was February 14 was the beginning of birds' mating season. So it was romance between birds which added to the idea that the middle of Valentine's Day should be a day for love! 

vintage vday card

Although Valentine greetings began in the Middle Ages, written ones weren't around until the 1400's. The oldest one still in existence today was a poem written in 1415 by Charles, Duke of Orleans, to his wife while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London following his capture at the Battle of Agincourt. I wonder if it ever reached her. This valentine is now part of the manuscript collection of the British Library in London, England.  

From the 1700's on, Valentine greetings and cards became more common place with the first ones being printed in the 1900's. Today, over 1 billion cards are sent a year for Valentine's day.  That is a lot of cards!

HW0 151952This day to celebrate love has come a long way from its origin. As Valentine's Day 2014 approaches, not only am I thankful for more opportunities to express love to my husband but also that I don't have think about an unknown bachelor drawing my name out an urn and lining up along the street for a chance to increase my fertility! 

If you happen to be celebrating Valentine's Day the modern way like me, there are many ways to say "I love you", from handmade cards, romantic dinners, unique dates, to beautiful bouquets! The fine staff at Gillespie Florists have outdone themselves again with fabulous designs this year! Click below to see what we have in store for you!Buy Valentine's Flowers!

Topics: Holidays, informational

"And the Winner is...": A Prom Corsage Match up

Posted by Tue, Jan 28, 2014 @ 12:14 PM

describe the imageJanuary 2014 kicks off a new year of award ceremonies. Some of them I watch; others, I just google the winners the day after. Regardless of watching in real time or checking stats later, one area I find intrigueing about these ceremonies are the glamorous outfits. Yes, Sandra Bullock didn't win best actress for Gravity at the Golden Globes but did you see her gorgeous black dress with pink and blue accents? Stunning! Taylor Swift was full of glitz and glimmer at the Grammy's!  Oh such a vast display of fashion do's, don'ts, and "What the heck was that?!" to be seen on the Red Carpet. It reminds me of prom...and corsages.  

Instead of designer jewelry and clutches, this year I decided to pick a few people from the Red Carpet and match a winning corsage to their look. It was difficult to choose a few; there are a plethera of amazing dresses AND corsages from Gillespie Florists with which to match them.  It's like playing digital barbie, lots of fun, so let's get started!

venetianOne of the most interesting dresses was the Rani Zakhem which "The Big Bang Theory" Kaley Cuoco was wearing. A corseted floral ball gown on millefueille tulle with watercolor floral patterns.

The Venetian corsage reflects a similar style with its peach roses, mini lotus pods with glitter, bead sprays, cream and gold ribbon, cream and pink accent flowers and a keepsake crystal beaded bracelet with rhinestones! Sure it has a bit of bling in it but it works with the dress as the pieces are small, flowing, and dainty.

twswiftNext up we have songstress Taylor Swift in a striking Carolina Herrera strapless gown with a black bust with bustling red gown.  The dress is simple yet elegant so I chose Glamazon to add a bit more attitude to the ensemble.

The beauty of this spray rose & rhinestone corsage that everything on it is interchangeable! Whether it is the color of the roses, ribbon, even the wristlet can be switched out or upgraded. A fantastic and versatile corsage!

girlsparkeBBC's "Orphan Black" Tatiana Maslany shimmered in an Old Hollywood styled Jenny Packham gown. The Bauble Bath corsage complements the style with posey callas, clear jewel accents, a butterfly, an adjustable bracelet and other jewel and silver accents!  

describe the imageNow lets not forget about the guys! The ever so smooth and southern accent dripping Matthew Mccounaghey accepted his Golden Globe award in style with his Dolce & Gabbana and Cartier cufflinks. This guy has so much style I decided he needed a single rose in a silver boutinniere to complete his sophisticated look.  


There seems to be definite themes this year with color block dresses, metallics, and bold colored gowns. In other words, there are many exciting options to work with!

What ever style you choose, we have a corsage to match it!

Click below to see a few of our corsage selections online and stop by our shop to create the perfect accent to your winning prom ensemble.



Shop Prom Flowers

Topics: informational, trends, prom

The Language of Love: Which One is Yours?

Posted by Fri, Jan 24, 2014 @ 12:34 PM

describe the image

Valentine's Day is just around the corner and I've been thinking about love and how it appears in different forms. We use more than words to express love; writing notes, saying "you're beautiful!", sending flowers, giving hugs and kisses, even taking out the garbage! All of these are expressions or "languages" of love! If the concept sounds familiar you may have read or heard about it in Gary Chapman's successful book, The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts.  The book explores how people communicate through different love languages with each other. The more we learn about the languages the better we know what makes our own hearts tick, as well understand and appreciate what makes the hearts of our loved ones skip a beat.

What are the 5 languages and how do they relate to you? I highly recommend reading the book at some point but for now, I'm just going to list them with a brief description; there might be a couple which resonate and perhaps even a few you recognize in others!

Words of Affirmation:

Sometimes when I'm having a bad day, hearing words of affirmation make me feel better and boost my confidence to keep on going! Our schedules have become so hectic as of late I am recognizing more and more everything my husband does for me. I use words of affirmation on a regular basis now. It's not so much having to think about doing it but more of me outwardly expressing my appreciation, which in turn he appreciates!

Picture 2"You look fantastic today"; "I appreciate you making dinner"; "Thank you for being there for me"; "Thinking of you makes me smile"; "You did a difficult job really well"; "I love the way you giggle"; "You smell great!" The list is endless. It could be anything that you love and appreciate about someone, as long as you're saying it out loud and with a genuine heart!  



Acts of Service:

"Actions speak louder than words". This is very true for ones who appreciate acts of service as their primary love language. But what kinds of service are we talking about? A seven course meal? Probably not! It might be as simple as doing the dishes if your spouse has had a long frustrating day. If it is done out of love without having being asked to do it it will speak VOLUMES of your love and devotion. Other examples might include: folding and putting away the laundry; picking up something from the grocery you know he/she likes but didn't ask for; making their favorite dinner; fueling up their car or bringing lunch to their office.

Every once in awhile my husband offers to make dinner if things have been going non-stop and I'm too frazzled to think about food. Whenever it happens it's like a weight has been lifted and it's an amazing feeling. In return I use words of affirmation by saying "I appreciate you making dinner; thank you for doing it for me".  See? Two love languages for one situation. BOOM! 

HW0 350345Gifts:

One time I took a test to see which language is my primary love language.  I have three because a lot of things say "I love you" to me.  Of the top 3, Gifts is my favorite. And no, don't feel sorry for my husband; he isn't out buying diamonds and pearls for me all the time!

It's not so much the gift as the thought which goes into it.  It could be as simple as a single Lindt truffle; I love those! Actually chocolate in general works because I love chocolate. I'm hungry so back on track!  It doesn't have to be chocolate; it could be a little note by my toothbrush, a random "Thinking of you" text during the day or a few stems of my favorite flowers. These are all little gifts which say big things about his love for me.

Physical Touch:

Sitting and watching tv I like to lean on my husband. I also like to cover his eyes during scary parts of movies that I don't want to see while burying my face in his side. He doesn't appreciate that as much but I do it anyway. We could be at the grocery store and I'll take a moment to put my hand on his shoulder or maybe at home I'll bump into him on purpose while getting milk out of the fridge. These little gestures are fun, random, and say "I love you" without me having to speak a word.

hug love quote hugs moondancer nice pix quotes sayings phrases largePhysical touch doesn't have to be limited to hugs, holding hands and cuddling although those are just as lovely. These actions speak mountains to someone whose love language is physical touch. Another case of actions speaking louder than words. 

Quality Time:

We are great at multi-tasking. We can listen to the radio, direct kids with their chores, fix dinner with one hand while checking the recipe with our other, fumble for pots and pans with our feet and throw a few comments at our spouse since they are at the kitchen table paying bills! We are awesome; communicating and accomplishing stuff at the same time. Go team! Yes!

4685cc55 0af3That's great! All the multi-tasking but now it's time to put your phone away, avert your eyes from any mobile device which might have your attention, switch off the screen to your computer, turn off the tv and look at each other. Well...maybe after finishing this blog, then you can do it. 

Quality time is not just spending time together; it's giving each other your undivided attention. You are looking at each other, holding a conversation, making eye contact, and completely "into" the moment of just being with your loved one with no mobile devices attached.  It doesn't have to be for hours; even twenty minutes of your undivided attention goes a long way.  I know this is a problem area for me. There is always something to do, something, someone, some child always needs attention, it's difficult to set aside quiet time just for us. When I make the effort, it is more than worth it; it's a chance to re-connect and enjoy why I married this guy.  

So that's it in a very large nutshell. Maybe more the size of a watermelon shell, but you get the drift. There are so many ways for us to say "I love you". We don't have to wait for Valentine's Day to speak any of the 5 love languages. You can do something today, right now, in fact!  Send a text, say "You're pretty!", be like Stevie Wonder and call to say "I love you"!, grab their hand, hug them and bring them home flowers!

If you are planning on saying "I love you" in a big way on Valentine's day, check out some of the unique designs we have this year. Or stop by our shop and pick out some beautiful blooms from our cooler and make your own bouquet!

           Buy Valentine's Flowers!

Oh to be Wed in the Winter: Top 5 Reasons for a Winter Wedding

Posted by Wed, Jan 15, 2014 @ 11:06 AM

Raw_badgetag-01-1.png"We live in Indiana..It will negate any reason you have"

It's true, our crazy and sporadic Indiana can be a deterrent for winter weddings. Does that mean you should let the unexpectedness of weather affect when your dream wedding should occur? Absolutely not! Inclement winter weather might mean you make extra preparations; such as add some long underwear to your wardrobe (not really if it's inside!) or have a plan "B" in place with your vendors and locations, but it can still be done, my friends! YES! Even in Indiana, you can have the most amazing, beautiful, creative winter wedding you've ever dreamed of. 

When was my wedding? End of September... On the most beautiful day...and also Memorial Day weekend.  Again, doesn't matter WHEN you plan your special day. There will be obstacles one way or another.  Why am I writing about Winter Weddings when I didn't have one? Simple. I wanted to be married on my parents property during my most favorite time of year, Autumn. Now let's get back to winter and the many romantic, trendy, and cost effective properties it has to offer for those researching the pros and cons of doing a winter wedding.


Reason 1: It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Sound like song lyric? Yes, yes it is.You have the holidays, snuggling with your honey, love is in the air, everyone is joyful...What better time to celebrate your love and commitment than during the winter season. Holidays alittle too busy? That's ok. Winter season is from December through March. What better way to keep out of the post holiday blues than to have a wedding! We adults, we like to do stuff, go to events, and celebrate things! Give us something to celebrate after the holidays! 

Reason 2: Location, Location, Locationdescribe the image

Peak wedding season is May, June, September, October. Many times weddings need planned 18 months in advance due to high demand of location during the peak wedding season. Off-Peak is January, February, and March. You are more likely to get your desired location of matrimony sooner if you go off peak. 

Reason 3: Do You Like Discounts?

Added benefits to choosing off-season are vendor discounts from the location you choose for your wedding and reception to your honeymoon destination.
If you choose to do a wedding during holiday season, many venues will already be decked out to the nines in holiday decor, lights, etc which will save some funds in the decorating department. 

Planning a trip to the tropics for your honeymoon? During the summer months is peak school holidays meaning you'll pay more, along with it being prime hurricane season in the Caribean. Hm...lower vacation pricing and less chance of hurricanes...sounds like a winner to me! 


Reason 4: Don't Sweat it!describe the image

Peak season weddings are beautiful aren't they? Being outdoors, the sun in your eyes from every direction while the photographer tries to get in one more shot. Your extra strength deoderant you just applied an hour ago isn't holding up the way it advertised. A sideways glance at your maid/matron of her blush sliding off her face?! The guys fidgeting with their collars, flapping their arms and repeatedly checking in their jackets...What on earth could be...oh..that's right. It's a bit warm right now. Another beauty of winter is the temperature. It's cool and comfortable, the lighting is softer, and there is less likelihood of your flowers AND wedding party wilting throughout the afternoon and evening.




Reason 5: Themes in Abundancedescribe the image

There is something about winter which is intrinsically romantic. Perhaps it's the holidays, the cool temperature, the ambience of candle-lit rooms, the daylight fading into earlier evenings,the quiet nature lending to a calm and peaceful atmosphere.

Oh the possibilities for theme during the winter months...  Will your colors be rich and luscious reflecting a more traditional and warm setting? Or maybe some cooler tones paired with metallics and sparkles which would accentuate the exciting chill of the season, a New Years flair. Or maybe Vintage! Steampunk! There are so many creative ways to celebrate your wedding in the winter. It's the perfect background for many themes.

 These are just a few of many reasons why weddings in the winter are becoming more popular. Whether you choose winter, spring, summer or fall, Gillespie Florists will be delighted to help you with your floral arrangements, bouquets, table pieces, for your special day! 

               Click below to get started today on your big day!

 Contact our Wedding Specialist!


Topics: weddings, Seasonal, trends

Post Holiday Blues? Let's Find Something to Do!

Posted by Fri, Jan 10, 2014 @ 01:06 PM

Raw_badgetag-01-1 The stockings WERE hung by the chimney with care but where are they now?  Boxed up already? In the attic? Storage? Still hanging?! Our stockings were ransacked for their candy and then folded neatly in the box waiting for the rest of the Christmas decorations to follow.  I haven't taken down the tree yet. The lights are still on, the ambience of the holiday remains in my living room as I contemplate how to replace the excitement of the holidays with every day living. We've gone from the "Most Wonderful Time of the Year" to "Ugh...I want to go back to bed and not wake up till spring."  It's amazing how quick this transformation in attitude happens and it is a very common occurrence. So what can we do to help beat the affliction of the Post Holiday Blues?  Here is a short list of ideas to get your creative juices flowing. 


Take Time for a Date


Sure Valentines day is coming up soon but there's never a bad time to make a date with your significant other.  The holidays are busy; you're with your family trying to squeeze in as much time as possible with the kids or other family members that there may not be much "couple time" to be had. So grab your calendar and plan for some much needed time together, even if you only have a few hours to spare.  It will give you something to look forward to!  

We as people are a social species. We love to go out and do things.  When is the last time you and your best friend had a night out on the town, took a class together, went to a wine tasting? Why not grab a few friends and try something new? Whether it be a painting class, card making, possibly stopping by your local florist to pick up some loose flowers and have an arrangement making party with some martinis thrown in.  The possibilities are endless and what better way to chase the blues away by spending it with friends and creating a new memory together!                                                                                        


See The Sights Of Your City


I always have these grand plans for my family as to what we can do while on break. For one reason or another they don't always happen. It could be the weather, a bad cold, a few forgotten errands which need attention; the list is endless.  We're lucky to pick out a tree together sometimes! Most of our break consists of preparation for Christmas, visiting family, and making sure we have quiet uninterrupted family time at home. Well, we've had our fill of relaxation and are now antsy to do something.  Something fun and inexpensive to do post holiday is go downtown and do some window shopping! (Key word: WINDOW)

The Indianapolis Museum of Art is also another great place to visit. If you have kids in tow they have plenty of kid friendly activities on the weekends, just check their website to see when these activities will be available and which ones may interest your kids!  There is also Family Free Thursdays at the Indianapolis Children's Museum the first Thursday of every month.  Yes, it is very busy on those nights, but do the kids care? From experience I can say without a doubt, they won't mind much if at all.  



Use Some Elbow Grease

eco cleaning supplies 225Okay..I know what you're thinking. "Hey this is a blog about chasing the blues away, not making things more depressing by cleaning!". Trust me, I understand. Although it would be nice to have Mary Poppins singing behind me as I clean toilets; it's not going to happen. BUT thinking about how accomplished I feel after cleaning makes the effort worth it.  Don't feel like scrubbing? Throw something away instead.  Grab a grocery bag, pick out any drawer in the house, give yourself 15 minutes and find things to throw away in said drawer.  I bet you anything one hour later you will have a bag full of stuff, 3 or 4 drawers cleaned out and an overwhelming feeling of "Ahhhhhhh".  Purging junk you don't need is good for the soul.  If you don't have time for a grand purge just try one little drawer. I promise it will make you feel better.



Bring New Life to Your Space

A great way to start the New Year is to do a little redecorating. It could be in "Your" space at home, or maybe your workspace at the office!  Perhaps its time to replace the photos in your picture frame at work. Or find a DIY craft on pinterest you could do and bring into the office to use as decoration? One of my favorite ways to bring life to my workspace and in my home is having planters, and keeping them alive year round. You might be thinking "I'm one step ahead of you, I have 3 planters already..they are 5 years old". Well, that's great! But when was the last time you replanted those suckers? Switched out the containers? Added a few more to your collection? Maybe you don't have a planter at all and are absolutely clueless as to what kind of plant would be best for your work or home environment?  That's ok! Go to your local florist, they will be able to help you pick the perfect plant to brighten up your space. Better yet! Go to one of those "Paint your own pottery" places, decorate a container and bring it the florist when it's ready!  Not only will you have your own piece of art, but also something living in it. It's a win/win!

So there you go! A few ideas to take the post holiday blues away and start the new year with places to go, people to see, and things to create!  And if you decide to have a flower party, decorate a container and want to fill it with something beautiful year round, be sure to stop by Gillespie Florists.  Our friendly staff will be delighted to help you kick the blues to the curb!

Click here to see what we've created for the New Year.

Check our planter section to see some of our favorites or stop in to create something new! Whether it involves flowers, plants, people, or places, the main thing to remember is to get out there and DO something. Let's start today!



Topics: Seasonal, informational