As soon as drivers reach their destination they are on the lookout for hazards such as iced-over sidewalks and snow obstructed paths to the delivery entrance. After a full day of jumping in and out of their trusty vans, traversing rain, snow, sleet, and/or whatever the mother nature has thrown at them for the day; drivers are expected back at the shop by dark. We want to secure the safety of both the floral arrangements and our delivery staff.
Speaking of safety, the delivery vehicles also receive special attention! Each one is outfitted with ice scrapers, a set of 2x6 boards, salt, and kitty litter in case there is a sticky situation with snow. These vans also get VIP treatment with bi-weekly checks for wiper fluid and unlimited washes at Crew Car Wash.
The final piece to our precaution protocol is preparing our arrangements for delivery! Before the driver leaves the shop all the arrangements and bouquets must be suited up for their journey. We generally wrap flowers in cellophane before delivery however when temperatures drop, we start adding layers to protect our beautfiully designed pieces. If the temps are 20 and below, flowers will be double wrapped: a layer of tissue, then covered with cellophane. If temperatures are below zero, these double wrapped pieces will be covered with a blanket when they are being delivered to their final destination.
Gadgets, gizmos for shoes, vehicles chock full of supplies, layers upon layers of clothing, wrapping...sounds like a lot of extra work, doesn't it? It's worth it! Come snow, sleet, hail, or more, rest assured we'll be taking extra care to ensure the safety of these gorgeous pieces when they arrive at your door!
Too cold to stop by the shop? No worries!
Hop online and check out our best sellers to warm up a loved one's day!