The 2012 Cereal Drive!
“Help fill a tummy!”

Because Hunger doesn’t take a summer vacation....
From now until June 8th, Gillespie Florists will be collecting boxed cereal and oatmeal to be donated to Gleaners Community Food Bank. Gleaners will distribute the donations to over 100 food pantries across the Indianapolis metropolitan area.
Did you know that in Marion County more than 161,000 free or reduced-fee meals are served in school every day? With the help of Gleaners, donations like yours and Riley Hospital for Children, children who might otherwise be vulnerable to malnutrition and hunger during the summer will have access to nutritious food while school is out.

Help us reach Riley Hospital’s goal of 150,000 servings of cereal! Any donation of cereal, including oatmeal, is greatly appreciated. If you donate cereal here at Gillespie Florists, we will give you a free carnation as a “Thank You”!
Thank you to Ray’s Trash Service for donating the collection boxes!
Have questions about the Cereal Drive?
Please contact Liz Paxton at
317.944.7779 or
Have a question about your free flower?